Can you use CAD models in Blender? Oct 20, 2022


This might sound really weird, but high school was pretty transformative for me.

For most people, it was a period they'd much rather forget.

Being forced to sit and listen to stuff you don't care about for 8 hours per day - ugh. We'd much rather be working on something more productive!


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CAD-like Bevels - Blender Tutorial for Hard Surface. Sep 18, 2022

Polygon modeling has its limitations.

These limitations stretch far beyond Blender and hard surface modeling.

A good example here would be bevels running through a complex mesh, or through other bevels.

That is where polygon modeling falls short.

The shading falls apart, and if the issue is...

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When polygons fail... Sep 09, 2022

We love polygon modeling - we really do!

But sometimes, it just isn't as practical or efficient as other software like CAD.

You see, in polygon-based modeling, everything is defined by, well, polygons - the good ol' vertices, edges, and faces which define them. But in CAD software, polygons...

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