Can you use CAD models in Blender?

cad moi3d tutorial


This might sound really weird, but high school was pretty transformative for me.

For most people, it was a period they'd much rather forget.

Being forced to sit and listen to stuff you don't care about for 8 hours per day - ugh. We'd much rather be working on something more productive!

But I remember very vividly my first period class in high school.

It was an AutoCad class.

Did I even use AutoCad in that class? Yes, but most of my time was filled with me sneaking in Blender projects when the teacher wasn't looking.

For me, this class was an introduction to what I now absolutely dedicate my life to - and that is 3D and Blender.

But one thing that a lot of people don't talk about is the compatibility between CAD software and Blender software.

Heck - some people don't even know the difference between a CAD workflow and a polygon workflow!

But guess what? I've got you covered.

Today's video is going to be an interesting one.

I want to show you the power of CAD-based models and how you can actually use them inside of Blender.

Why would we ever want to do that?

Well, that's a secret discussed in the video below ;)

(Well, not really a secret, but something I think you'll enjoy learning about...)

Click the video above and give it a watch!



- Blender Bros